Saturday, April 11, 2015

Day 11: Yorkshire - The wedding

I love weddings. We'd never been to one though without the support of grandparents and a car. Would it still be fun? We got off to a great start: Ronja, in the act of extracting my shoe tree managed to get a bleeding nose. Then the bus that was supposed to be picking up the guests had a serious delay, while the bride's car had a breakdown (better that than the bride I suppose).
Ready to go

It all ended (or rather started) well though, a lovely service, and a wonderful venue (Allerton Castle). There was great scenery, great food, wine, and lots of dancing. It was fun to celebrate with the happy couple and their families. The speeches were anything but boring. And there was a big, much quieter room where children could sleep. And fireworks!
Ushers can't manage to look everywhere at once. Good that Matt had a bit of help.

Time for a nap
"When the cat's away, the mice will play"
And catching that mouse round the billiard table was a lot of fun too
It was all over soon enough, and then back we trundled in the dark to Harrogate, more than ready to sleep.

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