We're used to winds in the Pressestadt. We thought it was a bit windier than we'd ever had before during the day, but didn't dwell on it. Then we heard
most of Munich's suburban rail system had been laid low. And then came the call about all rail traffic being stopped. And that the roof had blown off Munich's railway station. There was some simplification and exaggeration going on there, but there was more than a grain of truth. That was March 31st, and our latest trip to Ireland was scheduled early next morning on April 1st. We concluded we weren't going anywhere and settled down to a night's sleep, not 100% ready to set off at 5.45am as planned.
The online journey planner and telephone line the next morning told a different story. There was a way to Frankfurt. And we needed to get to Frankfurt, whatever way we could. And we needed to be on a train about 15 minutes earlier. So Matt had the happy job of getting everyone up to rush out of the house, so we could sit on the 15 minutes earlier train for 40 minutes before it went anywhere.
The obligatory sitting-on-the-train picture. This time with added scissors! Best idea, ever. |
Wakey wakey! Time to get up, after a peaceful night, and a fairly long day before that. We had a good meal on board having failed to eat in either London or Liverpool. Thumbs up to Stena for having non-junk food options at reasonable prices, even though they have a captive market. Their friends at Irish Ferries and DFDS could learn a thing or two from them there. |
Anyway, by some miracle by the time we had got to Brussels we were back on schedule. Or perhaps the miracle was that we got to Brussels at all. We're getting better at this, so there are no major reports, gripes or groans this time, except perhaps for a few fun facts...
- Did you know there's nowhere in Liverpool Lime Street to sit down and eat with children after 6pm? I didn't.
- Did you know that 'black cab' style taxis can let you wheel a buggy in and have a fold down booster seat in the middle? We didn't, but were thrilled to find out, as we contemplated walking 20 minutes in the rain down to the ferry.
- Did you know they're talking about opening a tram line that would call very near the Stena Ferry terminal? Not because of Stena Line of course, but it might make things feel more "integrated".
- On the integration front, there's also talk of building a central underground station for Euston/St Pancras/Kings Cross. That wouldn't bring the trains any closer together, but might mean a few moving walkways in between. Of course, by the time they build it, our children will be carrying their own luggage ;-)
- Did you know, that if you just wander in the first class area helplessly of the "Reisezentrum" in Cologne Hauptbahnhof, you might get help immediately with your international rail travel problem, bypassing the long queue nearby and at the information point, and thereby not missing that all important "we don't accept DB tickets" train that's about to leave above you? My strategically brought-along three-year old may have helped there.
Safely in Lisburn, it was time to greet family, relax, and do some baking.