Saturday, October 29, 2011

Impromtu protest, or was it art?

We wanted to visit the UAMO Art exhibition, but first managed to get caught up in one of the exhibits... First and foremost a piece of art, we were apparently also campaigning for clean air!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Lesser spotted Munich vehicles...

To make up for the lack of far-flung travelling, here's a few funny cars we've spotted lately (the second two) and ages ago (the first one).

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Work and pleasure in Salzburg

Birgit took the chance to visit her EU project colleagues who were meeting not far away in Salzburg. Ronja and Matt came along for the ride...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Travelling... as far as the coffee shop

Recently we haven't been doing as much travelling because of the new addition to our family, Ronja. We did manage a trip to Landshut, and today we've ventured out for a coffee with Ronja in our new (to us - hurrah for eBay) Bondolino.